Add the following ingredients into a blender for 2 servings of this delicious healthy breakfast smoothie:
- A strong 8oz cup of Asi Blissful Chai Yaupon Tea with 2 tea bags (then add 3 ice cubes)
- ½ Cup Blueberries
- 1 cup Strawberries
- 1 Banana
- ½- ¾ cup yogurt (or almond/coconut milk)*
- 2 TBSP Peanut Butter
- 1 TBSP Honey
- 2 TBSP Ground Flax or Chia Seed
- ½ TSP Ground Cinnamon
*If using milk or milk substitute instead of yogurt, try adding more banana for extra thickness.
#smoothie #recipe #organic #healthyliving #smoothielife #asitea #plantbased
#blueberry #yaupon #yaupontea #breakfast #savannah #peanutbutter #vegan
#stayfit #stayfocused