Wellness Tea Blend - Digestive Aid

Yaupon Teahouse + Apothecary
Digestive Tea Blend
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Tags: Yaupon Tea
Collections: Yaupon Tea
Type: Yaupon Tea

Digestive Aid Blend contains:  Yaupon, Ginger Root, Chamomile, Fennel Seed, Licorice Root, Peppermint.

Our Yaupon Wellness Blends are created with a unique blend of botanical herbs and flowers to address specific functions and promote wellness.

Yaupon tea is a healthy, all-natural alternative to soda, coffee, and other sources of caffeine. Many types of caffeine make you feel jittery and anxious, causing an "energy crash" later in the day. Yaupon tea gives you the energy that you need without over stimulating your system.

What is Yaupon tea?

This tea is fortified with natural antioxidants and nutrients that keep you active throughout the day.  And unlike other varieties of tea, Yaupon tea has a naturally sweet taste that makes it perfect for breakfast and afternoon breaks.


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